Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hoi an

Hoi an is a small city and is very famous for its tailors so we had to of course get some dresses made! and the outcome was good! I now have two dresses (one short and one long) that I have had to press into my bakcpack with all the other stuff that I already have purchased on the trip! We have now been in asia for three weeks and there are many weeks to come so how I will have room for everything in my backpack is beyond me!
The day after our arrival it rained and it REALLY rained! So we bought some dvds and ended up spending the afternoon in our room relaxing :D
We got to experience the vietnamese new year (called tet in vietnamese) here in Hoi an and that was not the type of new years I was used to! people gathered on both sides of the river and there was a show on the bridge with singing and dancing. Many lanterens were sent down the river and some were sent up in the sky. It is fun to have experienced the celebration but it was very different! the show ended at ten or ten thirty and that was it. I was expecting more but people starting taking the instruments away from the bridge and it seemed like the show was over. we went to a bar and met some danes, some brits and some americans. it was a fun night and we joined the 2 british guys to see the fireworks at midnight. but there were none.
And I must admit that it is strange for me to hear the Abba song "HAPPY NEW YEAR" at least three times a day. I celebrated new years 27 days ago :P
We biked to the beach the next day and it took us about an hour but that was due to the condition of our bikes. We only had one gear and May-Hilde's breaks didn't work.. The beach was nice but a bit to windy..
Our next destination is nha trang which is a city by the beach which is famous for its beaches! so i am hoping for really good weather!


  1. Moro å lese alt dere opplever, Ida! Jeg følger med på begge bloggene, og det er gøy! Så rart at det har gått tre uker siden dere dro, tiden går fort altså. Har ikke greid å skrive kommentar på bloggen din før nå. Kos dere videre!! :D

  2. Hei Ida! Det høres ut som om du har det kjempebra! :) Gleder meg til å se bilder, legge ut? ;) Kos deg videre og take care! Klem<3
